General Assembly

The General Assembly shall be the highest decision making body of the Union. It shall oversee the activities of UCESA.

The General Assembly shall:

 - Set the annual dues amount to be paid by Members;
- Grant membership to applying institutions as well as their removal from the Union
- Adopt all modifications or amendments of these Articles of Association. The working rules of the General Assembly shall be set by a Rules of Procedures.

The General Assembly shall elect the Executive Board among Presidents of Economic and Social Councils of Africa that constitute the Union.

The General Assembly shall be composed of the Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of each country
Each country can only be represented by one institution.

The General Assembly shall meet in ordinary session once a year.

It shall meet in extraordinary session, either at the request of the President, or 2/3 majority of members that have paid their dues.

The work of the General Assembly shall be supervised by the President of the Union or by one of the Vice-Presidents.

The responsibility for the material organization of a General Assembly lies with the Union and the Economic and Social Council where the General Assembly is being held.

The Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be the executive body of the Union. It shall be composed of the President and four Vice-Presidents.

The Executive Board shall:

- prepare the draft agenda of the General Assembly;
- Prepare the draft budget and submit it to the General Assembly;
- Ensure the keeping of the accounts, prepare the financial report and submit it for approval by the General Assembly; and
- Ensure the proper execution of the budget.
The Executive Board shall be elected by General Assembly.

The Bureau is composed of the President of the Union and four Vice-Presidents.
The Bureau is elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years.
The renewal of the mandate of the Vice-Presidents is done by rotation within each sub-region.
The order of renewal shall be determined at the previous elections.

The Secretariat of the Executive Board shall be the responsibility of the Economic and Social Council, which currently holds the Presidency of the Union.

It shall ensure the execution of the tasks necessary for the proper functioning of the Union, namely:

- keeping the accounts of the records, the financial statements and all other documents concerning the Union;
- reception and preparation of correspondence, drafting of deliberations; and
- recommendations of the minutes of meetings.
The Secretariat shall be the liaison between the different Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions.